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Sessions are 6 lesson sessions, 3 days each week, for 2 consecutive weeks.

Swimming Trainer with Students

Intermediate students are comfortable in the pool and underwater, and will improve strokes and skills, such as front crawl, rhythmic breathing, backstroke, new kicks (whip, dolphin), treading water, diving, combining strokes, and water safety.

10:00-10:50 BEGINNER
Students may work with support (being held) or independently. Skills include front and back glide, kicking, rhythmic breathing, buoyancy, underwater exploration, combined arm and leg action, jumping in shallow and deep water, and basic water safety.

Member of Forest Creek Pool?
Yes -$70
No - $75

Session 1:  June 10 (Mon), 12 (Wed), 13 (Thur), 17 (Mon), 19 (Wed), 20 (Thur)

Session 2:  June 24 (Mon), 26 (Wed), 27 (Thur), July 1 (Mon), 2 (Tues), 3 (Wed)

Session 3: July 8 (Mon), 10 (Wed), 11 (Thur), 15 (Mon), 17 (Wed), 18 (Thur)

To Sign Up

 If we must make up a day due to inclement weather, we will add time to the remaining lessons. The class will meet unless there is lightning or thunder at the pool during the lesson time.

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